App Release - Updated View & Induction - 21.11.2024

TFO App Release


To ensure we're up to date with the latest app store policies and to offer you the best experience, we've rolled out an update to the TFO app. You'll notice some minor layout and font changes, as well as new access to Induction via the app.


Dropdown Selects

We've streamlined asset selects into one dropdown list whereby you can scroll through and expand each asset type, or use the search function.

Screenshot 2024-11-28 at 11.34.44.png



We've included a new Induction tile on the app which will allow the user to complete their onboarding without using the app. 
Screenshot 2024-11-28 at 11.35.42.png
Not yet using Induction and FleetSafety? Book a demo and start your free trial.



Questions and feedback is always welcome! We understand your operators use the app daily and always strive to ensure any changes are necessary improvements. If you need to get in touch, please email


Book Training

Our team are available to answer your questions and guide you through our features. Book training here. 

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Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 15.06.21.png
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