FleetHire - Allocations

The Allocations feature in FleetHire allows you to view your active contracts, allocate operators, and notify Users of their allocated work, including individualised messages, via a push notification to their mobile device.  The Allocation information & messages appear in the TFO App.

Note: Please get in touch with the team support@thefleetoffice.com.au if you do not have Allocations in your menu.  We can quickly turn this on for you.

Users receiving the Allocations must have the Allocations User permission granted from User Access Control in FleetAdmin. 


Click Button to Skip Ahead to: 

Screen Screen Screen



  • Go to FleetHire
  • Allocations
  • This will list On Hire Contracts, a list of your Assets and a list of your Users / Operators
  • You can view this calendar via Day, Week or Month


Allocations - Allocating Users

You can Allocate a user to a Contract Item.  The system will inform you which of your users are most qualified to operate this asset. Please see Setting up Operators in Allocations 

Please note: Allocations will appear in the TFO App 60 hours before the allocated work time & will disappear 12 hours after the end time.

  • Click on the required contract item
  • Select the user from the operator list
  • Drag operator into the required operator box
  • It is possible to add a message to all operators allocated to the contract
  • You can also send an individual message to each operator
  • Click on the message icon to add text
  • Click save

Please Note:  Only 1 individual message and 1 group message can be saved for an operator (for each Allocation). Trying to send multiple of either will overwrite the previous message.


  • Once operators have been allocated to contracts, you can select their name beside the contract and click notify to send individually or
  • Click on notify operators to notify all.  


This will send a push notification to the operators mobile device.  The allocation can be viewed via the TFO App in Allocations



Add Contract Items via Allocations

It is possible to add contract items via allocations.


  • Click on add item
  • Add items to contract
  • Save



Allocations - Allocating Quoted Assets

If you have converted a quote into a contract without allocating assets, you have the ability to assign the asset via Allocations.  

  • Ensure that the contract status is on hire
  • Go to Allocations
  • Select required date view
  • Contract items not yet allocated will have (Quoted) beside them


  • Click on the contact line
  • Drag & drop available asset into asset box
  • Allocate operator if required


  • Once operators have been allocated to contracts, you can select their name beside the contract and click 'notify' to send individually or
  • Click on 'notify operators' to notify all


Next Step - Setting up Operators in Allocations


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