Load documents that are specific to each Asset. Once documents are loaded, choose to have them publicly visible via the QR Code. You can also choose for documents to be signed by user via Prestarts or Asset Documents on The Fleet Office App.
Select Button to Skip Ahead to:
Bulk Upload Asset Documents
Select this option from the Main Assets page or from Asset Details page |
- From FleetAdmin Assets
- Scroll to the bottom of the asset list
- Click on Upload Fleet Documents

OR |
- From Asset Details page
- Scroll to Documentation
- Click on Upload Fleet Documents
- Multi select Assets or Asset Types

- Drag & Drop or Click to select the document
- Document will be uploaded to the selected Assets Documents
Individual Asset Documents
- From FleetAdmin Assets
- Go to relevant asset
- In Asset details scroll to Asset Documentation
- Drag file or click to select document
- Documents can be renamed, using the edit button
- Once documents are loaded, toggle between publicly visible & not publicly visible options.
- When a document is publicly visible it will be publicly accessible via the QR Code
View Asset Documents
- Click on Documentation Admin - View Fleet Documents

- Use the filters to find specific Assets or Documents
Document Signed via Prestarts
- Ensure document has been made publicly visible
- Click on the Prestart sign icon
- When highlighted green the document is now accessible for each user to sign onto Document via Prestarts on The Fleet Office App
- Users will not be able to complete the Prestart until
documents have been read & signed
- Once a user has read & signed the document the
user icon will become green
- Clicking on the user icon will display the last 100 user sign ons
- It is possible to export all sign ons to csv for each individual document or export to CSV sign ons for ALL ASSETS

Document Signed via Asset Documents on TFO App
- Ensure document has been made publicly visible
- Click on the document sign icon
- When highlighted green the document is now accessible for each user to sign onto document via Asset Documents on The Fleet Office App
- Once a user has read & signed the document the
User icon will become green
- Clicking on the user icon will display the last 100 user sign ons
- It is possible to export all sign ons to csv for each individual document or export to CSV Sign ons for ALL ASSETS
Updating Documents
The documents are a stand alone static document.
We would suggest to make changes to original document & rename. Eg: asset VOC V2.
Making the original document not publicly visible will keep the document saved against the asset, allowing you to keep the history on who had signed on, and no longer visible to users via the app
Deleting the document will remove both the document & its sign on history from FleetAdmin & the app