FleetHire quotes allows you to build quotes for your clients, using pre-populated set rates, whilst also allowing you to customise quotes for specific projects.
Once completed you can email the client, allowing them to sign & accept electronically at a touch of a button. Keeping your processes seamless & paper free!
Please Note: It is possible to skip ahead to create contract, it is not necessary to complete a quote in each instance
Please Note: It is only possible in the contract stage to assign individual available assets. In the quote stage, assets remain general type and subtypes only.
Click the button to skip ahead:
Enter Quote Details

The quote details page will appear.

Quote No: |
Will be autogenerated |
Status: |
The status of the quote will change as you take quote through the process |
Division: |
(Optional) Choose from divisions dropdown options |
*Start Date: |
Start date of hire |
*End Date: |
End date of hire period. If you do not know the expected end date, you can push date out as required |
Salesperson: |
Choose from dropdown |
Notes: |
Entries into notes appear on the hire calendar. A great place to add information, handy to see at a glance, for example the clients job name & number |
Discount: |
If a discount has been applied to a client it will appear here. You can override the discount for each quote |
Damage Waiver: |
Select whether you would like to include a damage waiver.
The damage waiver percentage can be customised on a quote-by-quote basis
*Client: |
Select from dropdown - Clicking on +add client allows you to quickly add a company name, you will need to go back into clients and complete the full set up. TFO will autogenerate a client number if left blank. Once a client number has been created, it cannot be updated. |
*Contact: |
Select from dropdown - Clicking on +add contact, allows you to add all contact details for new contact, linking them to this client |
Site Address: |
Enter in site details - Find address is available for ease of entry |
* Time Zone: |
This will default to the company set timezone, use dropdown to change. ensure that the timezone is selected in line with the site address. This will effect stand downs & tracked hours if incorrect. |
Please Note: Fields with * are required
Add Assets to Quote
Once the quote details have been saved, you will now have the option to add assets, labour & other to build the quote. |
- Click on add asset
- Choose the asset type & asset subtype - If rates have not been set for this subtype, you will get a warning. Please go into rate setup to enter
- The start & end dates will come across from the detail page
- These can be manipulated to suit the dates the individual asset is required. You will not be able to add an asset outside of the dates on quote detail page
- Ticking attachments allows you to link an attachment to the asset
- Rates will come into quote as per your rate setup, you can override these if required
- Select type of unit rate & required information
- If wet hire, tick the box, this will bring up related field boxes
- All the pricing for this asset will collate at the bottom of the page
- Click save
- Click on add asset to continue adding assets to build your quote
Bulk Actions
Use bulk actions to make changes to all or selected quote items.
- Select the quote items. Clicking on the top square will select all
- Select the required bulk action from the dropdown options
Approve |
Will bulk approve all unapproved quote items |
Un-approve |
Will un-approved selected quote items |
Edit Hire Period |
Make changes to the quote item dates.
Please note: Changes cannot be made outside of the dates on the main details page.
Adding Labour to Quote
Here you have the option to Use existing or custom
Use exisiting, will drop down options built in rate setup
Selecting custom allows you to add in a labour item for this particular quote. This labour item will not be saved into rate database for future selection
Manipulate the dates, rates and the number of items as required
Use bulk actions as per above to make changes to more than one item at a time
Adding Other Items to Quote

Here you have the option to use existing or custom
Use exisiting, will drop down options built in rate setup
Selecting custom allows you to add in a labour item for this particular quote. This labour item will not be saved into rate database for future selection
Manipulate the dates, rates and the number of items as required
Use bulk actions as per above to make changes to more than one item at a time
Once you have added all assets, labour & other items to quote, the quote details tab will give you the total price of quote
View / Email Quote Individually
When you are happy with your quote, you can now view & send the quote to your client for approval.
- Click on view/send quote
- Select attachments
- Select the Template for the corresponding quote
- Go to view /email quote below

Email Multiple Quotes
It is possible to email multiple quotes at once.
Please Note: This is only possible when sending to the one client.

- Tick required Quotes
- Click on Email
View / Email Quote
- Select required email template from the dropdown
- Enter email address - It is possible to add static emails into Email Templates
- Ensure you hit enter or tab - The email address will need to be boxed in purple

Adding Attachments to Emails
- Select the required quote template from the dropdown options
- If you have selected multiple quotes, select a template for each
- Once templates have been selected you can view PDF.
- Additional Files - Attached required
- Once files are attached you can View PDF
- Click on back
- Click on send to email
- The status will automatically change to sent to client
Client Acceptance & Convert to Contract
The client will receive the email with the option to click to accept quote

This will take client to accept hire quote page.
They can then sign & accept

The status on your quote will automatically change to accepted
It is also possible to manually change the status using the dropdown options
Convert Quote to Contract
Once client has accepted the quote
- Click on convert to contract
This is where you will allocate the assets from your asset list.

Please Note: Converting quote to contract will prevent further edits to quote