FleetHire - Jonas Premier Invoice Export


If you are a Jonas Premier customer it is possible to export FleetHire invoices & import into Jonas Premier.

Step One - Client Numbers

Ensure that your Client Number in FleetHire & the Customer Code in Jonas Premier match.

The Client # is autogenerated in FleetHire and they are unable to change.  The Customer Code in Jonas Premier can be changed to match.


Step Two - Check Permissions

Ensure you have the correct access in both FleetHire & Jonas Premier to enable invoice downloads.

The Fleet Office - You must have FleetHire Finance access ticked.

Jonas Premier - You will require the Role Security Access Right for the Add-ins / Excel Add-in/ Interface, AR Invoices.

Step Three - Set up Jobs

Ensure that the Job in Premier is setup correctly on the Equipment Job Sub-ledger, with the Job Number matching the Asset ID in the Fleet Office.

Export Asset List in FleetAdmin:

  • Go to FleetAdmin Assets
  • Export Asset List to CSV

Step Four - Invoices

Invoices must be ticked as Approved to be downloaded

Step Five - Map the Data to Jonas Premier from FleetHire

  • Go to Finance Settings
  • Select Jonas Premier from dropdown
  • Complete the Revenue Cost Type (eg R or REV) which matches the Revenue Cost Type CODE in Premier

  • Complete the REVENUE Cost Item, which should be the same for each 'equipment' Job (eg REV or 9999)

  • Select the Non-Asset Revenue Job - ie the Job which the Revenue is not directly accumulating against the Equipment Asset - Labour or Other (eg SUNDRY)

  • Click Save 

Step Six - Download Data

  • Choose the Month of Invoices to Download

  • Select the Download button

  • A csv file will be created ready for saving

Step Seven - Upload the Data

Open the downloaded csv in Excel, then via the Jonas Premier Addin, Login using your regular Premier credentials.

Select the Upload Data button and choose the Accounts Receivable / AR Invoices option. Ensure the Company selection is correct, then choose OK.


Open the downloaded csv in Excel, then via the Jonas Premier Addin, Login using your regular Premier credentials.

Select the Upload Data button and choose the Accounts Receivable / AR Invoices option. Ensure the Company selection is correct, then choose OK


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