FleetHire - Xero Integration

If you are a Xero customer it is possible to integrate with FleetHire.  Sync Invoices with Xero, with a push of a button, whilst ensuring you are mapping your revenue correctly.  Linking Xero Tracking Category 1 & your TFO Fleet ID will give you an at a glance Profit & Loss within FleetAdmin Costs.

User Access

Ensure that you have the correct settings in Xero & are set up with FleetHire Finance settings in User Access Control

Choose Xero as your Accounting Software 

  • Go to FleetHire
  • Finance Settings
  • Select Xero from the dropdown options
  • Save


  • Click on Connect to Xero


  • Select the correct Company for The Fleet Office to access
  • Click on Allow Access

Mapping between FleetHire Invoices & Xero

Choose the level of mapping you require.

  • Map your Xero Sales or Revenue Account Types to FleetHire Items


  • Set the Tax Rate - This rate will apply to all line items


  • Tracking Category - Asset ID will be provided to Xero if Tracking Category is set


  • Save

Synchronise Xero with FleetHire

Once all mapping has been completed & Invoices are ready, clicking on Push Now will import all FleetHire Invoices into Xero and Pull Now will pull data from Xero into FleetHire.

Please Note: All invoices except cancelled, will sync to Xero in their current state.



Push Now:

Clicking on Push Now will import all FleetHire Invoices into Xero

If you have any items that have not been mapped, you will be prompted to map.


Once invoices have been pushed successfully, all invoices created in Xero will be listed & any skipped invoices will be listed.

  • Click on the heading to show full Invoice number list


Pull Now:

Click on Pull Now to sync changes made in Xero into FleetHire

Once Sync is complete you will receive a Invoice Sync Result.

  • Click on the heading to show full Invoice number list



Successfully Created Will list all valid Invoices created in FleetHire that did not previously exist in Xero


Xero Invoices must have at least 1 FleetHire line item.  If not, they will not be created in Xero, they will be skipped.

Invoices updated in FleetHire

Xero syncing is one directional. Once an invoice has been synced with Xero, it can no longer be edited in FleetHire.  The Invoices listed have been edited in Xero with changes automatically syncing into FleetHire.

Invoices matched by not modified

This will list all Invoices created in FleetHire that have not been modified during the Sync.


See below example of how an invoice synced Xero will appear in FleetHire.



Click this link to watch a video tutorial on Xero Integration within FleetHire.


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