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View Corrective Actions
- Go to FleetSafety
- Corrective Actions
- Use filters to find required
- Export Corrective Actions list by selecting the
Edit Corrective Actions
- Click on the Corrective Action to edit
- Add detail to the Corrective Action
- Use Conversation to add messages into Corrective Action
- Save
Please Note: If a Site has been selected on the Inspection form, only Users that have completed the Site Induction will be able to be assigned Corrective Actions
Complete a Corrective Action
Once assigned, Corrective Actions can be viewed & actioned in FleetSafety - Corrective Actions or via the TFO App.
The number of open Corrective Actions assigned to a User will also display on the home page in their FleetCentre.
Overdue Corrective Actions
Corrective actions are automatically marked as 'overdue' if not completed on due date. |
Overdue corrective actions can be filtered via the Corrective Actions Table. |
Overdue Corrective Actions - Email Notifications
Select users to receive email notification when a Corrective Action is overdue. (Admin or Site Admin)
Overdue Corrective Actions also automatically send an email notification to the Corrective Action assignee.
- FleetSafety
- Select Email Notifications
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Under the Overdue Corrective Actions heading click on the drop down to select user.
- Please note only Safety Admin or Safety Site Admin users can be selected
- They are now added to the recipients list
- To remove at anytime, select the
You can set up email notifications based on selected priorities by following instruction below.
Corrective Action Settings - Setting Priorities
Corrective Actions settings can be found via
- FleetSafety
- Settings
- Select Corrective Action Settings
- Edit Existing, select
- Delete Existing, Select
Set up email Notifications to notify users when a corrective action with this priority becomes overdue.
- Select the
- Select the drop down of users to send notifications to.
- Selected users will show in list under each priority.