FleetHire - Stand Downs

Click the button to skip ahead to: 

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Stand Downs - Creating a Stand Down

Stand Down feature allows for Daily, Monthly, Weekly stand downs for an unlimited number of consecutive days.

Once the status of a contract has changed to On Hire, you will notice the Stand Downs tab appear in the contract:


From the stand downs tab, you can:

  • Select which assets in the contract that are being stood down
  • Select the stand down period 
  • Select the reason for the stand down
  • Enter/ Edit Reduction

Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 09.45.12.png

Once the stand down has been saved, it will appear at the bottom of the page as a contract line item. You can add additional stand downs by selecting 'Add Stand Down button'  

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Stand Downs - Client Settings

In client settings, there are invoicing toggles that will change the way that stand downs behave in the system:


  • Charge by Tracked Hours - If this setting is enabled, FleetHire will monitor the utilisation of tracked assets and cancel a stand down if more than 30 minutes of utilisation is recorded on the day.
  • Stand Down Apply Maximum - If this setting is enabled, stand downs won't be included in invoices if the maximum hours for the asset are reached.

Stand Downs and Invoicing

This video details how to mark a stand down period on a contract. It takes you through the steps to put in a stand down time.

Time Stamps

0:08 Introduction

0:28 Searching for a created contract

0:45 Clicking on stand downs tab

0:55 Adding a stand down and entering dates, reason and details

1:34 Assets in contract shown

1:54 Saving stand down

2:04 Cancelling stand down

2:43 Adding an invoice & entering details

3:39 Showing totals – Costs and invoice items/number of units, etc.

4:20 Saving invoice

4:25 View & Export options

4:32 Xero integration

4:46 Conclusion

Invoicing Multi-Day stand downs 

Users may notice unusual stand down values on their invoices, particularly if: 

    • The stand down spans only part of the invoice period. 
    • A user has overridden the system-generated reduction rate. 

Please Note:

  • Stand down reduction values now account for weekends/ Sundays for Day rate assets, where applicable.
  • Partial Invoice Periods, stand down item will display the proportion applied. E.g. 3/7 days included. 

Next Step - Hire Calendar


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