FleetMaint - Prestart Settings


Prestarts are completed via the TFO App by your users.

Watch this 2 minute Prestart Video on how Prestarts are completed. 


You can find within this article:





Use FleetMaint Prestart settings to add Prestart items to each asset type and apply TFO App settings to suit your company requirements.  Copy Prestart item lists to other asset types.

  • From the dashboard click on settings 


  • Click on Prestart settings


Asset Type - Adding Prestart items to Asset Types



The asset type - Prestart item status shows you if a company defined Prestart checklist has been added for an asset type or if your company is using the default Prestart template for the asset type.

Uploading Prestart Items via csv

  • Download the Prestart template csv
  • Enter your Prestart items into csv
  • Save document
  • Select the required asset type 
  • Choose the saved doc from files
  • Upload
  • Prestart items will now be displayed

Adding, Deleting & Editing Prestart Items

Click on the dropdown to move between asset type item lists


It is possible to add, delete & edit Prestart items, customising each Prestart depending on the asset type requirements.  


  • Clicking on edit allows you to request further information from the Prestart user
  • Date - User will select a date 
  • Number - User will only be able to enter a number
  • Test - User will be able to add both number & letters
  • Save changes

Copy Items to another Asset Type

  • Scroll to the bottom of the Prestart item list
  • Click on copy items to another asset type
  • Choose asset type from dropdown list
  • Click on replace existing items 
  • Copy


Mass-assign or add single Prestart items to Asset Types

This is useful if you need to add one item to multiple assets
  • Click on new Prestart items


  • Type item
  • Select asset type to assign - Can be more than one
  • Add more items if required


Prestart App Settings

Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 09.11.12.png

Select the specific settings for the App in the bottom right of the page. The checkboxes will affect what information is required when performing a Prestart. Hover over the eye for a description on each setting:

Require cost codes on all prestarts - It will be mandatory for users  to enter cost codes on Prestarts

Restrict asset list for managers - Will restrict list of assets seen by mangers set up in Projects & Divisions.

Enforce licence requirements on all Assets - When an asset requires a specific level of licence to operate FleetAdmin-Asset Details, the Prestart User must have the required level of licence to be able to complete. FleetAdmin-User Details. If levels do not match, a red banner message explaining to contact their supervisor will appear. 

Mandatory Asset HRs and KMS - User will be required to enter hours and kilometres of asset

Please Note: Users will also need to have update asset Hrs/Kms ticked in User Access Control

Add default Prestart settings - Prestart will be set with all options pre-populated with the label “OK” checked. These can be overridden during Prestart.  If this setting is not selected, each option for a Prestart will require manual input from the User.

Require Images on all Prestarts - Mandatory upload of images. This allows for up to 6 images to be uploaded. 

Next Step - FleetMaint - Auto Servicing

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