Timesheet Calculator

This resource has been built as an additional tool to assist clients in processing their timesheet exports from Fleet Centre. Download the Timesheet Calculator by clicking icon below:


Timesheet Calculator

Timesheets - Exporting Timesheets from Fleet Centre

In Fleet Centre, navigate to Timesheets and select "Export Timesheets". From here, we will be able to select our date range and along with any optional filters:


A new window will open, allowing us to select which columns we require in the CSV file. Select the following:

  • Person Name
  • Day Worked
  • Start Time
  • Finish Time
  • Break Time
  • Total Time


Excel - Copying Timesheet Data into Timesheet Calculator

Once our Timesheets CSV has been exported from Fleet Centre, we should see a list of timesheet entries with the columns we selected while exporting:


Select this data and copy it from the Timesheet Export. Now, navigate to the Timesheet Calculator spreadsheet and select the second sheet, titled "Data". We will notice this page will be empty by default. Paste the data we copied from the Timesheet Export into Cell 2A:


Once this data has been pasted into the timesheet calculator, we will notice columns G to M will automatically populate:


Timesheet Calculator - Refreshing Pivot Table

Navigate back to the first sheet, titled "Time Sheet Info". On the blue and white table, right-click and select "Refresh". This will pull the information that we pasted into the data sheet earlier:



Timesheet Calculator - Reading Output Data

From the table produced, we can see a breakdown of the hours each employee worked for the selected date range. Saturday hours, Sunday hours and overtime are outlined in their respective columns: 


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