Fuel Logging allows Users to enter fuel litres against the asset via the TFO App & in Fuel Logging Admin. TFO tracked assets, will count the total run time between fills & and give you an average fuel burn for each asset, per month, by asset type, Project & also a total number of litres. The average Fuel Burn data is only available to clients with TFO trackers. All TFO users can use the Fuel logging to track litres against assets & projects. Data can be downloaded for ease of comparison to fuel purchase information. |
Click Button to Skip Ahead to:
Logging Fuel |
The fuel can be logged via The TFO App - See TFO App- Fuel Logging |
Mobile Phone App Settings |
Fuel can also be logged on the Fuel Logging Admin page. |
Assets |
View Assets |
This will display all logging information for asset with the average Fuel Burn displayed. Use the filter to adjust to dates required. Click on the receipt button to display The fuel burn is calculated by the total litres to fill the asset, divided by the run hours until next fill. This number is then averaged out over the number of fuel fills. |
Edit Entry |
Please Note: The ability to edit a FuelLogging entry is only available on Assets that do not have a tracker. Users will also need to have FuelLogging Editor permission in User Access Control |
Docket / Receipt Search |
Company View |
Company view allows you to view logged details company wide. Use the filters to see Fuel Burn via month & asset type. |
It is possible to download the data for ease of comparison to purchase information. Enter required dates & click on Download CSV. | |||||
The Fleet Office have partnered with Refuelling Solutions to offer FleetFuel. Contact us at support@thefleetoffice.com.au to get started!