FleetAdmin - Adding Users

Users can be uploaded individually, or imported in bulk using our User Import Template.  Once Users are added, go to User Access Control to set each Users access. 


Click to skip ahead: 

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Adding Users - Individual User

  • Go to FleetAdmin
  • Users
  • Click on Add User to add a single user


  • To add a new user, there are mandatory fields * to be filled in. 
  • The Login name must be be a functioning email address. This is how Users will reset their password
  • The Login & Email must be the same.
  • Password - Must be 8 characters long
  • Fleet Office System Role:

Summary of The Fleet Office System Roles:



Please Note: The Fleet Office only allows one unique email per User system wide.  If a User has had a previous login with a different Company using the same email, you will get an error message.  If using an alternate email address is not an option, please contact us at support@thefleetoffice.com.au with Users details.



  • See FleetAdmin - User Details article 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click save. 

Please Note: Adding an Individual User does not autogenerate an email to new User.   You will need to email User Login Details.  User can then use Forgot Your Password? to reset password.


Adding Users - Bulk User Import

Users can be bulk imported from an Excel spreadsheet. After a successful import, each User will receive an email notification and a link to finish setting up their account.

  • Go to FleetAdmin
  • Users
  • Import Users
  • Read Instructions on how the spreadsheet should be formatted
  • Download User Import Template
  • Drag & Drop or click to select Template


When a User Import is successful, you will see the following:


If any errors are detected, the import will fail and the errors will be listed:


Listed errors can be amended in original excel template & Uploaded again.

Please Note: No new Users will be uploaded if there are any errors detected in the User Import.

Please Note: The Fleet Office only allows one unique email per User system wide.  If a User has had a previous login with a different Company using the same email, you will get an error message.  If using an alternate email address is not an option, please contact us at support@thefleetoffice.com.au with Users details.

Adding Bulk Users - New User Registration

Once a successful bulk user import is complete, each new User will receive an email requiring them to complete their registration:


Clicking on the "Complete Registration" button will open a webpage where the User can set their password for the system:


Next Step - FleetAdmin - User Details

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