FleetTrack - Tracking Display

When you have at least 1 asset selected, the map will zoom in on that asset and will display detailed information about it.

You will have the tracking displayed for the day and a graphical display below. at any point, you can hover over the picture of the asset for a popup window with specific details being displayed.



Once you have an asset selected, it will display the path the asset has taken for the day. Different coloured arrows indicate if the asset was speeding or not.Screen_Shot_2021-10-21_at_9.08.31_am.png

There will also be a graph located at the bottom of the screen. This is a graph display of the data from the vehicle through the day. 


There is a legend on the right of the graph to assist with understanding the different lines on the graph.

The blue line is the speed the asset was doing.
The red line is the reported speed limit at that interval.
Purple is the SMU. This will display when reading are increasing.
The green is PTO. PTO is connected to input 1 on the tracker so it doesn't necessarily mean PTO depending on how your asset is wired.

You can also narrow down your view for tracking. This can be done in the advanced options section just below the map view. You can change your view to a selected date and/or time of the day you would like to investigate.


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