Timesheets - Create, Review & Export

Users complete Timesheets via the TFO App.  Timesheets is used to review, approve & export these timesheets in preparation for payroll.
Use Projects to set 'project timesheet supervisors', these supervisors will only see timesheets related to their assigned projects.


Select Button to Skip Ahead to:

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Create Timesheet Form

Read FleetAdmin - Forms for how to create the timesheet form. 


  • This will display hours Approved, Rejected & Unreviewed.  It also shows at a glance who is yet to submit timesheets.


Review Timesheets

  • Click on review
  • Use filters to select required timesheets
    • Eg, see all New, Approved, rejected etc. 
  • Select employee
  • To view employee timesheet submission - Click 'view'
  • Using the "status" dropdown, you can view approved or reject timesheets
    • Total hours calculations only include approved timesheets, and only users with approved timesheets are shown.


Editing Timesheets

  • Timesheets with an Approved status -
    • Users can still edit an approved timesheet within the app. This will then update the status to 'New' on the Timesheets review, prompting Timesheets Admin to review changes made by user.  
  • Users can edit previous submitted timesheets up to 1 pay period prior.


Rejected Timesheets

If you reject a timesheet, it will bring up an option to notify user of this change & add an optional message.
  • Type Message
  • Click on 'yes'
User will receive a push-notification to their smartphone & the green 'Submitted' tick will be removed from that date. The user can then go back into the date range for timesheet and edit the date rejected to re-submit. 

Export Timesheets

  • Use filters to select required timesheets
  • Click export 
  • Select the columns required for export into payroll software
  • Export to csv. file



Admin Self Approval Timesheets

A new setting for timesheets has been added which prevents Timesheet Admins from approving their own timesheets. By default settings Timesheet Admins can approve their own timesheets. This setting can only be edited by company admins within the Timesheets Settings Page or FleetAdmin Organisation Page. 

* Please note: Admins can still un-approve/reject own timesheets

Admin Self Approval Timesheets - Timesheets Settings Page

  • Within Timesheets 
  • Select Settings 
  • Select checkbox 'allow Timesheet Admins to Approve their own Timesheets'
  • Save

Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 16.02.35.png

Admin Self Approval Timesheets - Organisation Settings 

  • Within FleetAdmin
  • Select Organisation
  • Scroll to the bottom of your organisation page 
  • Within the timesheets section
  • Select checkbox 'allow Timesheet Admins to Approve their own Timesheets'
  • Save

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When restricted, a Timesheet Admin trying to approve their own timesheet will receive an error message.


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  • From the settings tab, you can set up your required company pay period, this determines the pay periods viewed on the TFO App. (EG. Weekly, Fortnightly, 5-day or 6-day weeks, as well as day the pay week starts)

Please Note: Once the timesheet date moves out of the current pay period, they are not able to be amended by the user.

Next - Dockets - Review, Email & Export

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