Client setup allows you to manage your client base. This is where you enter your client contact details, credit limit & insurance details. You can also send clients a list of your hire rates.
Clients can be done individually or via bulk upload using the supplied template.
Click the button to skip ahead to:
Client Set Up - Bulk Import
- Go to FleetHire
- Clients
- Click on Import Clients

- Click on download importer template

- Enter client details into CSV file and save
- Drag file or click to select to upload
Client Set Up
- Go to FleetHire
- Clients
- Click on + Add client

Client Number
- It is possible to enter a specific client number. If you are a Xero client, this number is what will match to the Contact Number in Xero.
- TFO will autogenerate a client number if left blank.
- Once a client number has been created, it cannot be updated.
Client Details
- Enter client company details
- Any discounts set in client details will automatically fill into a quote or contract, these can be overridden or removed.
Please Note: At the time of creating a Contract the client details will be a snapshot of the details at that time. For example if a Client has a name change on the 1st July 2025 and contracts created before that date will still display as their previous company name.


You can have unlimited contacts against each client

Contacts can also be added in Quote & Contract stage.
Payment Terms |
Enter clients payment terms. These can be adjusted on each tax invoice. |
Charge by Tracked Hours |
If selected, TFO tracked assets will automatically add any additional charges for the Asset into the tax invoice, if it has operated over the set maximums. See Company Settings.
This includes Assets that are on a 5 or 6 day week & have had more use. |
The excess charges will come into the tax invoice as a 1 x Unit amount, with the dollar value prorated based on the hire type. We do not display actual excess hours to avoid disputes with clients. |
Auto-Invoice |
If yes selected, draft invoices will be auto generated based on the 'invoice every' settings below |
Stand Down Apply Maximum |
If this is turned on, Stand Downs won't be included in invoices if the maximum hours for tracked assets are reached |
Invoice Every |
Choose how often auto generated invoices occur |
Credit Application
Use this to capture all of your clients credit information.

Insurance Details
Enter the client insurance details

Trade Credit Insurance

Send Hire Rates
The hire rates created in Rate Set up can be sent to the client. Ensure that you have your Templates set up and ready to go.
- Click on the send hire rates button

- Select attachments
- Choose the email Template from dropdown
- Scroll to bottom of email & select the required PDF template

There will be a list of all asset subtypes with rates applied in Rate Setup
- Click on 'all' in top left heading will auto tick all subtypes
- Use the tick boxes to customise for each client
- Do the same for 'labour' & other tabs
- Click on 'view hire rates' list to preview
- Push send