Once you have assigned a User as an Induction User, you can now manage their profile. Adding in personal details, emergency contact, medical notes. View current status and you can also upload Tickets.
Please Note: Users have the ability to upload their own Personal Details & Tickets via Induction
Within this section you can find:
- Go to FleetSafety
- Click on Induction User

Induction Users Filters
Use the filter boxes to search for required Users.
Hovering over a green Icon will display the completed Site Inductions, VOC's & Ticket details for any User.

Recent User Activity
Click to display the last 100 user events |
Print User List CSV |
Export User list & detail into CSV |
Print Incomplete Inductions |
Lists out Users with Inductions yet to complete |
FleetAdmin User Access Control |
Click for direct access to change Users access |
User Role
Define what type of Admin Role the User will have within the system. If none selected, the User will be an Induction User.
- Click on required User name
Site Admin
If Site Admin is selected the User will have Site-restricted access to Users, Sites & VOC's & read only access to Subcontractors.

- Select the required Sites from the dropdown
- Click on Revoke to remove Site Access
FleetSafety Admin
If FleetSafety Admin is selected User will have full read & write access to all Induction features
Edit User - Personal Details

- Enter personal details
Please note: Any changes to applicable fields will flow through to Fleet Admin
- Select Position from dropdown options - This is what will link User to relevant Tickets & Internal Training required in Positions
Corporate Induction Status

This section gives a visual on Users current status
- Shows the current status via tick or cross
- This will automatically update as User moves through process
- Shows allocated & completed Inductions
- Site Inductions may be verified
Internal Training
- Lists allocated Internal Training Modules & the status
Verifications of Competency
Lists out completed VOC's |
Here you can upload & verify the Users Tickets.
Please Note: Users can upload their own Tickets via Induction.

Uploading Tickets
- Use the drop down to Select Ticket
- The drop down will show required & desired Tickets as selected in Position set up
- Select Ticket type to upload
- Choose to Upload Now or Upload Later
- Upload Later
- If a Ticket has a Grace Period
- Choosing this option will set up a reminder email to User when Grace Period is over
- Upload Now
- Drag & Drop or Click to Select copy of Ticket
- If applicable enter Tickets Expiry & Issue date
- Ticket will now show in Existing Tickets
- Once Ticket is uploaded, click on Verify Ticket
Edit Tickets
- Click on the
to edit Ticket
- Click on
to Delete
PDF User Evidence & Documents
- Induction Evidence PDF will list all of the Tickets & Training that has been completed
- User Document PDF will list training & extract all Tickets that have been uploaded
Remove User
- Click on Remove User, please note this will only remove the User from FleetSafety. You will need to go to FleetAdmin - Users to remove entirely from The Fleet Office